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gaderninig 1001
       gaderning is a fabulous hobby but it can be quite daunting when you wany to make that first step. Lert's share some quick and effective tips to help you get a head start.
       There's nothing more disheartening about gardening than watching the plants shrivel away without knowing why. So, it's imperative to find out what you can grow where you live so that you don't to grow plants that require a shady area when your garden gets lot of sun. when you purchase plants or seeds, they should have tag that tells you the growing conditions. If you aren't sure, don't be shy to ask for help from the people you are buying the planys or seeds from!
be rid of
       The first step to a beautiful garden lies in removing the grass and weeds. The best bet is to actually dig up the grass and weeds with a shovel or spade. An alternative would be to use an herbicide abd spray the grass and weeds, following the package directions. Once the grass and weeds show obvious sing of death, you can star digging the garden area.
amending the soil
       Many plants are sensitive to the wrong type of soil; either  the acid or alkaline levels may be to high or low or the soil lacks nutrients. You may simply add compost or sand to your soil to give it fresh nutrients as well as proper consistency. Amending your sool will also neutralise the acid level - making it suitable for a large range of flowers. To add these items to your soil, empty the bags directly on top of the existing soil, spread around, use a shovel to "dig and flip" into existing soil.
garden pest
       It's good to get better acquainted with all sort of garden pets so when they come attacking you will know exactly what to do! Do some redaing so you can identify the "good" bugs from the bad ones. Find out more about which bugs to worry and which to leave them be. No garden should bne completely bug free so know them before you spray! Happy gaderning!  

adeniums obesum wokshah

       Adenium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, containing a single species, Adenium obesum, also known as Sabi Star, Kudu or Desert-rose. It is native to tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and Arabia. The plant exudes a highly toxic sap which is used by some peoples, such as the Akie in Tanzania, to coat arrow-tips for hunting.It is an evergreen succulent shrub in tropical climates and semi-deciduous to deciduous in colder climates, is also dependent on the subspecies or cultivar.
       Growing to 1-3 m in height, with pachycaul stems and a stout, swollen basal caudex. The leaves are spirally arranged, clustered toward the tips of the shoots, simple entire, leathery in texture, 5-15 cm long and 1-8 cm broad. The flowers are tubular, 2-5 cm long, with the outer portion 4-6 cm diameter with five petals, resembling those of other related genera such as Plumeria and Nerium. The flowers tend to red and pink, often with a whitish blush outward of the throat Adenium is a popular houseplant in temperate regions. It requires a sunny location and a minimum indoor temperature in monsoon of 10 °C. It thrives on a xeric watering regime as required by cacti.
        Adenium is typically propagated by seed or stem cuttings. The numerous hybrids are propagated mainly by grafting onto seedling rootstock. While plants grown from seed are more likely to have the swollen caudex at a young age, with time many cutting-grown plants cannot be distinguished from seedlings.